วันพุธที่ 3 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2561

วันจันทร์ที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2561

แก้ บอสตบ 2-3ตัวลุมเเล้วหลุด

แก้ บอสตบ 2-3ตัวลุมเเล้วหลุด ปิดตามนี้ ค้นหา if( IsSuperZombie() ) ใน obj_Zombie.cpp ปิดตามรูป ส่วนที่ 2 ค้นหา obj_Zombie::PlayAttackSound ปิดตามรูป เคดิตคุณช้าง Zdev ส่วนผมถามเพื่อนผมมาอีกที หลงเมซอน

วันพุธที่ 5 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2561


ค้นหาใน warz.sln if((playerState == PLAYER_MOVE_RUN || playerState == PLAYER_MOVE_SPRINT || playerState == PLAYER_SWIM || playerState == PLAYER_SWIM_FAST ) && (r3dGetTime() < pl->m_SpeedBoostTime)) { accelaration *= pl->m_SpeedBoost; } ว่าง if(profile_.ProfileData.PremiumAcc) { if(pl->CurLoadout.HeroItemID == 18701) accelaration *= 1.1f; }

วันจันทร์ที่ 16 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2561


Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[Additem_OnlinePlayer] @ItemID int, @QTY int AS BEGIN declare @RowNum int,@CustomerID int select CustomerID into #TempC From UsersData where GameServerId>0 select * from #TempC select @CustomerID=MAX(CustomerID) FROM #TempC --select @CustomerID=CustomerID from #TempC Select @RowNum = Count(*) From #TempC while @RowNum > 0 Begin Exec FN_AddFullItemToUser @CustomerID,@ItemID,@QTY,-1,-1,10000 select top 1 @CustomerID=CustomerID from #TempC where CustomerID < @CustomerID order by CustomerID desc set @RowNum = @RowNum-1 end delete #TempC END

วันเสาร์ที่ 14 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2561

Insert Item Bonus For new Register Accounts

--Insert Item Bonus For new Register Accounts INSERT INTO UsersInventory (CustomerID, CharID, ItemID, LeasedUntil, Quantity,Var1,Var2,Var3) VALUES (@CustomerID, 0, เลข, DATEADD(day, 2000, GETDATE()), 5, -1, -1, 10000)

วันพุธที่ 4 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2561


ยิงหัวมีเสียง เหมือน NewZ ค้นหา void obj_Player::ApplyDamage(const r3dPoint3D& dmgPos, float damage, GameObject* fromObj, int bodyBone, int dmgTy ฝั่ง warz.sln สังเกตุด้านล่าง แล้วใส่ตามรูปเนียล่ะ cr .พัทนัย กันพระยา ไฟล์เสียง https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bHx_tVloMlkavUih8EY2PmhFD541qdZA/view?usp=sharing cr.กฤษฎา ตุ่มแก้ว

วันศุกร์ที่ 30 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2561


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NdoWukJoXkzB5HYlj8J4_9htS8i7g-dT/view Dear ragezone fans, Today Im going to release my whole work of my Battle Royale mode. I hope you like it and it should be a great start for you if you like to make your own battle royale mode. IT COULD HAPPEN THAT I FORGOT SOME CODE, so if I forgot something than tell me what I have forget! THIS RELEASE DOES NOT INCLUDE MY UI PART! IM SURE THAT I FORGOT SOME SHIT BUT WELL FIRST OF ALL TRY OUT TO USE THIS: OBJ_TOXICCIRCLE FILES ARE IN THE ATTACHMENTS!!!!! Sorry about that bad structure I have made here its hard to get an overview I know, but that code is not about copy pastarino its more about you can use that or maybe its something you were looking for. Sorry that I dont take that much time to make a nice release of that Im just 17 years old and to lazy to waste all my time into every single release! I hope you guys understand me :) So we are going to start with the server: Spoiler: / @Tobi battle royale packages PKT_S2C_SendExitMessage, PKT_S2C_SendToxicTimer, PKT_S2C_ResetPlayerLoadoutBR, PKT_S2C_UpdateBRStats, PKT_S2C_CreateToxicZone, PKT_S2C_SetToxicZoneRadius, PKT_S2C_SetSafeZoneOnMap, // Battle Royale Packages struct PKT_S2C_SendExitMessage_s : public DefaultPacketMixin { bool ShowExitHud; int Kills; int GameDollars; }; struct PKT_S2C_SendToxicTimer_s : public DefaultPacketMixin { float Timer; int status; int isvisible; }; struct PKT_S2C_ResetPlayerLoadoutBR_s : public DefaultPacketMixin { DWORD peerID; gp2pnetid_t PlayerID; float spawnProtection; }; struct PKT_S2C_UpdateBRStats_s : public DefaultPacketMixin { WORD playerIdx; int alive; }; struct PKT_S2C_CreateToxicZone_s : public DefaultPacketMixin { gp2pnetid_t spawnID; r3dPoint3D pos; float radius; wiInventoryItem Item; }; struct PKT_S2C_SetToxicZoneRadius_s : public DefaultPacketMixin { float useRadius; int Index; }; struct PKT_S2C_SetSafeZoneOnMap_s : public DefaultPacketMixin { float useRadius; }; If you want to disable XP in br mode than go to: Spoiler: void CGameRewards::InitDefaultRewards() and add this: // if its battle royale dont add xp if(gServerLogic.ginfo_.isBattleRoyale()) return; find this: void CGameRewards::ExportDefaultRewards() add this: #ifdef WO_SERVER // if its battle royale dont add xp if(gServerLogic.ginfo_.isBattleRoyale()) return; #endif NOW SOMETHING IMPORTANT! In my version I have removed the BasePlayerSpawn Type, because it had no useage. Add lobby spawn points Spoiler: GO to: class BasePlayerSpawnPoint : public MeshGameObject And change: enum type_e { it should looks like this: enum type_e { SPAWN_LOBBY, // Used for battle royale SPAWN_NEUTRAL, // when player dies and respawns, he spawns to the closes of those points }; Spoiler: GO TO: BOOL obj_ServerPlayer::OnCreate() add: isBattleRoyale = gServerLogic.ginfo_.isBattleRoyale(); //Battle Royale go to: void obj_ServerPlayer::OnNetPacket(const PKT_C2C_TradeRequest_s& n) add: // dont allow trading if gamemode is battle royale if(gServerLogic.ginfo_.isBattleRoyale()) return; IF YOU HAVE A RESPAWN SYSTEM: Add this as a new respawn logic for the lobby: if(gServerLogic.ginfo_.isBattleRoyale() && !gServerLogic.ginfo_.GameHasbeenStarted) { ReviveFast(); //SetLatePacketsBarrier("teleport"); PKT_C2S_ReviveFast_s Revive; Revive.PlayerID = toP2pNetId(GetNetworkID()); gServerLogic.p2pBroadcastToAll(&Revive, sizeof(Revive), true); wiCharDataFull& loadout = profile_.ProfileData.ArmorySlots[0]; packetBarrierReason = ""; GiveBRloadout(); } GO TO: void UpdateGameWorldFlags(); Add: / @Tobi for battle royale void CheckIfOutSideOfToxicZone(DWORD index); GO TO: gServerLogic.PreloadDevEventLoadout(); Add UNDER THE #ENDIF: // load server configs for battle royale if(gServerLogic.ginfo_.isBattleRoyale()) gServerLogic.LoadBattleRoyaleServerConfigs(); GO TO: ServerGameLogic::ServerGameLogic() Add: ///////////BATTLE ROYALE//////////////////// m_StartGameTime = 0; //gamehardcore m_StartGameTimeR = -1; //gamehardcore countTimeFinish = 0; //gamehardcore MaxAirdrop = 0; m_spreadToxic = -1; / @Tobi spread toxic gas m_preparingToxicZone = -1; m_startspreadingGas = 0; m_toxicLevel = 0; ginfo_.isGameGoingToStart = 0;//gamehardcore isBlocked = false; m_resetGameTime = -1; m_spawnAirdrop = -1; //////////////////////////////////////////// GO TO: bool ServerGameLogic::ApplyDamageToPlayer(GameObject* fromObj, obj_ServerPlayer* targetPlr, const r3dPoint3D& dmgPos, float damage, int bodyBone, int bodyPart, bool force_damage, STORE_CATEGORIES damageSource, uint32_t dmgItemID, int reputation, int airState, bool canApplyBleeding) { Add: if (ginfo_.isBattleRoyale() && ginfo_.isGameGoingToStart == 0 && fromObj->Class->Name == "obj_Zombie") //Battle Royale return false; GO TO: void ServerGameLogic::Tick() AND ADD AT THE END OF THE FUNCTION THIS: /////////////////////BATTLE ROYALE LOGIC/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (ginfo_.isBattleRoyale()) { // get all players on the server who are currently alive! char msg[512]=""; int LivePlayers = 0; int LiveID = 0; bool DarSpawnProtection = false; for( GameObject* obj = GameWorld().GetFirstObject(); obj; obj = GameWorld().GetNextObject(obj) ) { if(obj->isObjType(OBJTYPE_Human)) { obj_ServerPlayer* Player = (obj_ServerPlayer*)obj; if (Player->loadout_->Alive > 0) { LivePlayers++; LiveID = Player->GetNetworkID(); } } } // reset only if our game is started otherwise we could get problems with server crashes I guess if ( curPlayers_<1 && !ginfo_.GameHasbeenStarted && ginfo_.isGameGoingToStart > 0) { ginfo_.isGameGoingToStart = 0; countTimeFinish = 0; m_StartGameTime = 0; m_StartGameTimeR = -1; } else if ( curPlayers_<1 && ginfo_.GameHasbeenStarted && ginfo_.isGameGoingToStart > 0) { // if game is on and our server us empty how ever this happens EndMatch(); } // LOBBY SYSTEM - START // Check for players if ( curPlayers_ >= MinimumConnectedPlayers && !ginfo_.GameHasbeenStarted ) // 5 players are enough to start with our logic { if (ginfo_.isGameGoingToStart == 0) { char msg[512]=""; sprintf(msg,"The Game is going to start soon!"); ChatSystemMessageAll(msg, "", 1); m_StartGameTime = r3dGetTime()+StartCountDownTimer; { PKT_S2C_SendGameMessage_s n; r3dscpy(n.msg, msg); p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); } ginfo_.isGameGoingToStart = 1; } } else if(curPlayers_ <= MinimumConnectedPlayers && !ginfo_.GameHasbeenStarted && ginfo_.isGameGoingToStart > 0 && ginfo_.isGameGoingToStart < 3) { // we dont start under 5 players its not enough! // if game is going to start but we dont have enough players, stop cuntdown! ginfo_.isGameGoingToStart = 0; countTimeFinish = 0; m_StartGameTime = 0; m_StartGameTimeR = -1; char msg[512]=""; sprintf(msg,"The start countdown got stopped, because we don't have enough players!"); ChatSystemMessageAll(msg, "", 1); } // start faster logic if(ginfo_.isGameGoingToStart == 1 && curPlayers_ >= EnoughConnectedPlayersToStartBRFaster1) { if(m_StartGameTime > 0) { m_StartGameTime = r3dGetTime()+CountdownTime1; ginfo_.isGameGoingToStart = 2; } } else if(ginfo_.isGameGoingToStart == 1 && curPlayers_ >= EnoughConnectedPlayersToStartBRFaster2) { if(m_StartGameTime > 0) { m_StartGameTime = r3dGetTime()+CountdownTime2; ginfo_.isGameGoingToStart = 2; } } // start Match - logic if (ginfo_.isGameGoingToStart > 0) { if (m_StartGameTime > 0 && r3dGetTime() > m_StartGameTime) { m_StartGameTimeR = r3dGetTime()+30; m_StartGameTime = -1; sprintf(msg,"Game starts in 2 minutes!"); PKT_S2C_SendGameMessage_s n; r3dscpy(n.msg, msg); p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); { ChatSystemMessageAll(msg, "", 1); } } // Start Match Cooldown - takes 2 minutes! if (m_StartGameTimeR > 0 && r3dGetTime() > m_StartGameTimeR) { switch (countTimeFinish) { case 0: { sprintf(msg,"Game starts in 1 minute and 30 seconds"); PKT_S2C_SendGameMessage_s n; r3dscpy(n.msg, msg); p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); break; } case 1: { sprintf(msg,"Game starts in 1 minute"); PKT_S2C_SendGameMessage_s n; r3dscpy(n.msg, msg); p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); break; } case 2: { sprintf(msg,"Game starts in 30 seconds"); PKT_S2C_SendGameMessage_s n; r3dscpy(n.msg, msg); p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); break; } case 3: { sprintf(msg,"Game starts in 10 seconds"); PKT_S2C_SendGameMessage_s n; r3dscpy(n.msg, msg); p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); break; } case 4: { sprintf(msg,"Game starts in 5 seconds"); isBlocked = true; for (int i = 0; i < curPlayers_; ++i) { obj_ServerPlayer* pl = plrList_[i]; if(pl->loadout_->Alive == 0) { pl->ReviveFast(); PKT_C2S_ReviveFast_s Revive; Revive.PlayerID = toP2pNetId(pl->GetNetworkID()); p2pBroadcastToAll(&Revive, sizeof(Revive), true); } } PKT_S2C_SendGameMessage_s n; r3dscpy(n.msg, msg); p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); break; } } ChatSystemMessageAll(msg, "", 1); // countTimeFinish Logic if(countTimeFinish == 2) m_StartGameTimeR = r3dGetTime()+20; else if(countTimeFinish == 3 || countTimeFinish == 4) m_StartGameTimeR = r3dGetTime()+5; else m_StartGameTimeR = r3dGetTime()+30; countTimeFinish++; } // countTimeFinish == 6 - our countdown is over, now start the main game! if (countTimeFinish == 6) { // revive all our dead players for (int i = 0; i < curPlayers_; ++i) { obj_ServerPlayer* pl = plrList_[i]; if(pl->loadout_->Alive == 0) { pl->ReviveFast(); PKT_C2S_ReviveFast_s Revive; Revive.PlayerID = toP2pNetId(pl->GetNetworkID()); p2pBroadcastToAll(&Revive, sizeof(Revive), true); } else { pl->ResetLoadout(); } } / @Tobi start game StartMatch(); // set timer -1 m_StartGameTimeR = -1; } // OutSide Of ToxicZone Logic - check if a players is outside the toxic zone and if yes, than damage the player! if(LiveID >= 1 && ginfo_.GameHasbeenStarted) { UpdateToxicCircle(m_ToxicIndex); for (int i = 0; i < curPlayers_; ++i) { obj_ServerPlayer* pl = plrList_[i]; pl->CheckIfOutSideOfToxicZone(m_ToxicIndex); } } // Toxic Logic - spreading if(m_spreadToxic > 0 && r3dGetTime() > m_spreadToxic) { m_startspreadingGas = 1; EnableToxicGas = 1; { PKT_S2C_SendToxicTimer_s n; n.Timer = 0; n.status = 3; n.isvisible = 1; p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); } } // Toxic Logic - Preparing if(m_preparingToxicZone > 0 && r3dGetTime() > m_preparingToxicZone) { SpawnToxicZone(); // first safezone has a radius of m_toxicLevel0StopRadius PKT_S2C_SetSafeZoneOnMap_s n; n.useRadius = m_toxicLevel0StopRadius; p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); m_preparingToxicZone = -1; m_spreadToxic = r3dGetTime()+m_toxicLevel0NextLevelTimer; } // Airdrop Logic if (m_spawnAirdrop > 0 && r3dGetTime() > m_spawnAirdrop) { obj_ServerPlayer* pl = (obj_ServerPlayer*)GameWorld().GetNetworkObject(LiveID); SpawnAirdrop(pl); m_spawnAirdrop = r3dGetTime()+u_GetRandom(m_SpawnAirdropTimeMinimum,m_SpawnAirdropTimeMaximum); } //End Battle Royale Match if ( LivePlayers == 1 && ginfo_.GameHasbeenStarted) { int GameDollar = (int)u_GetRandom((float)RewardMoneyMinimum, (float)RewardMoneyMaximum); obj_ServerPlayer* plr = (obj_ServerPlayer*)GameWorld().GetNetworkObject(LiveID); if (plr) { plr->profile_.ProfileData.GameDollars += GameDollar; //plr->loadout_->Stats.VictorysHardGames++; char msg[512]=""; sprintf(msg,"Congratulations to %s! %s won %i GameDollar",plr->loadout_->Gamertag,plr->loadout_->Gamertag,GameDollar); ChatSystemMessageAll(msg, "", 1); { / @Tobi send package to the winner. PKT_S2C_SendExitMessage_s n; n.ShowExitHud = true; n.Kills = plr->loadout_->Stats.Killstreak; n.GameDollars = GameDollar; p2pSendRawToPeer(plr->peerId_, &n, sizeof(n), true); } AddPlayerRewardBattleroyale(plr, RewardID); ApiPlayerUpdateChar(plr); } EndMatch(); } } // Close Server, becuase our game ended + winner celebration ended! | If noone is on the server and the countdown is bigger than one than instant close it useless to wait! if (m_resetGameTime > 0 && r3dGetTime() > m_resetGameTime || m_resetGameTime > 0 && curPlayers_ == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < curPlayers_; ++i) { obj_ServerPlayer* pl = plrList_[i]; DisconnectPeer(pl->peerId_, false, "The Match has been ended"); return; } m_resetGameTime = -1; ginfo_.GameHasbeenStarted = false; gMasterServerLogic.SetGameStatusBR(ginfo_.GameHasbeenStarted); gMasterServerLogic.CloseBRMatch(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GO TO: void SetPVEinfo(DWORD isPVE); // for PVE maps ADD: ////////Battle Royale Functions//////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SpawnAirdrop(obj_ServerPlayer* plr); void StartMatch(); void EndMatch(); void StopMatch(); void PrepareToxicZone(); ///////////Start/END Timers/////////////// float m_StartGameTime; float m_StartGameTimeR; float m_resetmatch; float m_resetGameTime; ///////////////////////////////////////// ////////TOXIC ZONE//////////////// bool StartSpreadingToxic; float m_spreadToxic; / @Tobi spread toxic gas float m_preparingToxicZone; float m_startspreadingGas; / @Tobi stop spread toxic gas void UpdateToxicCircle(DWORD index); void SpawnToxicZone(); int m_toxicLevel; DWORD m_ToxicIndex; int EnableToxicGas; ////////////////////////////////// float m_spawnAirdrop; int lastNumber; int countTimeFinish; //gamehardcore int MaxAirdrop; bool isBlocked; // used to block player damage and use consumable items in br mode ////////////////////////////////// // BATTLE ROYALE FUNCTIONS END ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GO TO: void ServerGameLogic::DumpPacketStatistics() ADD UNDER THE FUNCTION: void ServerGameLogic::StartMatch() { for (int i = 0; i < curPlayers_; ++i) { obj_ServerPlayer* pl = plrList_[i]; if(pl->loadout_->Alive == 0) { pl->ReviveFast(); PKT_C2S_ReviveFast_s Revive; Revive.PlayerID = toP2pNetId(pl->GetNetworkID()); p2pBroadcastToAll(&Revive, sizeof(Revive), true); } } // Teleport players to their start positions for (int i = 0; i < curPlayers_; ++i) { obj_ServerPlayer* pl = plrList_[i]; GetStartPositionBattleRoyale(pl); //Cmd_GiveItem(pl, "/gi 500054"); // we disabled parachute first! //peerInfo_s& peer = GetPeer(pl->peerId_); } ginfo_.GameHasbeenStarted = true; isBlocked = false; char msg[512]=""; sprintf(msg,"The game has started."); ChatSystemMessageAll(msg, "", 1); countTimeFinish = 0; { PKT_S2C_SendGameMessage_s n; r3dscpy(n.msg, msg); p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); } r3dOutToLog("[Battle Royale] -- Teleported %i players\n", curPlayers_); gMasterServerLogic.SetGameStatusBR(ginfo_.GameHasbeenStarted); // Prepare our ToxicZone! PrepareToxicZone(); // spawn Airdrop tick m_spawnAirdrop = r3dGetTime()+u_GetRandom(m_SpawnAirdropTimeMinimum,m_SpawnAirdropTimeMaximum); } void ServerGameLogic::EndMatch() { // reset everything... { char msg[512]=""; sprintf(msg,"The Server is going to get restarted in %.f seconds!", m_restartFinishedGameTimer); ChatSystemMessageAll(msg, "", 1); } ginfo_.isGameGoingToStart = 0; //ginfo_.GameHasbeenStarted = false; StartSpreadingToxic = false; m_StartGameTime = 0;//gamehardcore m_StartGameTimeR = -1;//gamehardcore countTimeFinish = 0;//gamehardcore MaxAirdrop = 0; ////////TOXIC ZONE//////////////// m_spreadToxic = -1; / @Tobi spread toxic gas m_preparingToxicZone = -1; m_startspreadingGas = 0; m_toxicLevel = 0; // m_ToxicIndex = NULL; ///////////////////////////////// m_resetGameTime = -1; m_spawnAirdrop = -1; EnableToxicGas = 0; isBlocked = false; m_resetGameTime = r3dGetTime()+m_restartFinishedGameTimer; { PKT_S2C_SendToxicTimer_s n; n.Timer = 0; n.status = 0; n.isvisible = 0; p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); } } void ServerGameLogic::StopMatch() { // reset everything... { char msg[512]=""; sprintf(msg,"The Game got stopped by an admin!"); ChatSystemMessageAll(msg, "", 1); } ginfo_.GameHasbeenStarted = false; StartSpreadingToxic = false; ginfo_.isGameGoingToStart = 0;//gamehardcore m_StartGameTime = 0;//gamehardcore m_StartGameTimeR = -1;//gamehardcore countTimeFinish = 0;//gamehardcore MaxAirdrop = 0; ////////TOXIC ZONE//////////////// m_spreadToxic = -1; / @Tobi spread toxic gas m_preparingToxicZone = -1; m_startspreadingGas = 0; m_toxicLevel = 0; // m_ToxicIndex = NULL; ////////////////////////////////// m_resetGameTime = -1; m_spawnAirdrop = -1; EnableToxicGas = 0; isBlocked = false; { PKT_S2C_SendToxicTimer_s n; n.Timer = 0; n.status = 0; n.isvisible = 0; p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); } gMasterServerLogic.SetGameStatusBR(ginfo_.GameHasbeenStarted); } void ServerGameLogic::PrepareToxicZone() { { PKT_S2C_SendToxicTimer_s n; n.Timer = 30; n.status = 1; n.isvisible = 1; p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); } { char msg[512]=""; sprintf(msg,"Preparing safe zone in 30 seconds!"); ChatSystemMessageAll(msg, "", 1); } m_preparingToxicZone = r3dGetTime()+SpawnToxicZoneTimer; } void ServerGameLogic::SpawnToxicZone() { r3dPoint3D ToxicZoneSpawn(0,0,0); if (Terrain3) ToxicZoneSpawn.y = Terrain3->GetHeight(ToxicZoneSpawn); if (Terrain2) ToxicZoneSpawn.y = Terrain2->GetHeight(ToxicZoneSpawn); uint32_t AirDropRand = 1; if (AirDropsPos.size()>1) { AirDropRand = rand() % AirDropsPos.size()+1; } ToxicZoneSpawn.x = AirDropsPos[AirDropRand].m_location.x + u_GetRandom(-AirDropsPos[AirDropRand].m_radius,AirDropsPos[AirDropRand].m_radius); ToxicZoneSpawn.z = AirDropsPos[AirDropRand].m_location.z+ + u_GetRandom(-AirDropsPos[AirDropRand].m_radius,AirDropsPos[AirDropRand].m_radius); obj_ToxicCircle* toxic = (obj_ToxicCircle*)srv_CreateGameObject("obj_ToxicCircle", "toxic", ToxicZoneSpawn); toxic->SetNetworkID(GetFreeNetId()); toxic->NetworkLocal = true; toxic->useRadius = SpawnToxicZoneRadius; toxic->OnCreate(); gServerLogic.m_ToxicIndex = toxic->GetNetworkID(); { PKT_S2C_SendToxicTimer_s n; n.Timer = m_toxicLevel0NextLevelTimer; n.status = 2; n.isvisible = 1; p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); } { char msg[512]=""; sprintf(msg,"Gas will be released in %.f seconds!", m_toxicLevel0NextLevelTimer); ChatSystemMessageAll(msg, "", 1); } return; } void ServerGameLogic::SpawnAirdrop(obj_ServerPlayer* plr) { wiInventoryItem wi; wi.itemID = 'ARDR'; wi.quantity = 1; // create network object r3dPoint3D AirDropSpawn(0,0,0); obj_ToxicCircle* tcircle = (obj_ToxicCircle*)GameWorld().GetNetworkObject(m_ToxicIndex); if (Terrain3) AirDropSpawn.y = Terrain3->GetHeight(AirDropSpawn)+300.0f; if (Terrain2) AirDropSpawn.y = Terrain2->GetHeight(AirDropSpawn)+300.0f; uint32_t AirDropRand = 1; if (gServerLogic.AirDropsPos.size()>1) { AirDropRand = rand() % AirDropsPos.size()+1; } if(tcircle->useRadius <= SpawnToxicZoneRadius) { AirDropSpawn.x = AirDropsPos[AirDropRand].m_location.x + u_GetRandom(-AirDropsPos[AirDropRand].m_radius,AirDropsPos[AirDropRand].m_radius); AirDropSpawn.z = AirDropsPos[AirDropRand].m_location.z+ + u_GetRandom(-AirDropsPos[AirDropRand].m_radius,AirDropsPos[AirDropRand].m_radius); } else if(tcircle->useRadius <= m_toxicLevel0StopRadius && tcircle->useRadius > m_toxicLevel1StopRadius) { AirDropSpawn.x = tcircle->GetPosition().x + u_GetRandom(-m_toxicLevel1StopRadius,m_toxicLevel1StopRadius); AirDropSpawn.z = tcircle->GetPosition().z + u_GetRandom(-m_toxicLevel1StopRadius,m_toxicLevel1StopRadius); } else if(tcircle->useRadius <= m_toxicLevel1StopRadius && tcircle->useRadius > m_toxicLevel2StopRadius) { AirDropSpawn.x = tcircle->GetPosition().x + u_GetRandom(-m_toxicLevel2StopRadius,m_toxicLevel2StopRadius); AirDropSpawn.z = tcircle->GetPosition().z + u_GetRandom(-m_toxicLevel2StopRadius,m_toxicLevel2StopRadius); } else if(tcircle->useRadius <= m_toxicLevel2StopRadius && tcircle->useRadius > m_toxicLevel3StopRadius) { AirDropSpawn.x = tcircle->GetPosition().x + u_GetRandom(-m_toxicLevel3StopRadius,m_toxicLevel3StopRadius); AirDropSpawn.z = tcircle->GetPosition().z + u_GetRandom(-m_toxicLevel3StopRadius,m_toxicLevel3StopRadius); } else if(tcircle->useRadius <= m_toxicLevel3StopRadius && tcircle->useRadius > m_toxicLevel4StopRadius) { AirDropSpawn.x = tcircle->GetPosition().x + u_GetRandom(-m_toxicLevel4StopRadius,m_toxicLevel4StopRadius); AirDropSpawn.z = tcircle->GetPosition().z + u_GetRandom(-m_toxicLevel4StopRadius,m_toxicLevel4StopRadius); } else { AirDropSpawn.x = AirDropsPos[AirDropRand].m_location.x + u_GetRandom(-AirDropsPos[AirDropRand].m_radius,AirDropsPos[AirDropRand].m_radius); AirDropSpawn.z = AirDropsPos[AirDropRand].m_location.z+ + u_GetRandom(-AirDropsPos[AirDropRand].m_radius,AirDropsPos[AirDropRand].m_radius); } obj_DroppedItem* obj = (obj_DroppedItem*)srv_CreateGameObject("obj_DroppedItem", "obj_DroppedItem", AirDropSpawn); obj->AirDropPos = AirDropSpawn; obj->UseAirdropConfig = true; / @Tobi next patch, let a random number generate between 5-10 / @Tobi Checken ob das Random Airdrop ist wenn ja adde diesen Loot table 133714 obj->m_LootBoxID1 = 0; obj->m_LootBoxID2 = 0; obj->m_LootBoxID3 = 0; obj->m_LootBoxID4 = 0; obj->m_LootBoxID5 = 0; obj->m_LootBoxID6 = 0; obj->SetPosition(AirDropSpawn); plr->SetupPlayerNetworkItem(obj); //obj->NetworkLocal = false; // vars obj->m_Item = wi; obj->m_Item.quantity = 1; char msg[512]=""; sprintf(msg,"An Airdrop spawned!"); /// ChatSystemMessageAll(msg, "", 1); return; } void ServerGameLogic::UpdateToxicCircle(DWORD index) { if(ginfo_.isBattleRoyale() && curPlayers_ >= 1) { // @Tobi scan for toxi circles //for(int i=0; iuseRadius = SpawnToxicZoneRadius; // spreading radius if(m_startspreadingGas == 1) { StartSpreadingToxic = true; } /////////////////////////////////TOXIC LOGIC////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(tcircle->useRadius <= m_toxicLevel0StopRadius && m_toxicLevel == 0) { m_startspreadingGas = 0; m_toxicLevel = 1; StartSpreadingToxic = false; { PKT_S2C_SendToxicTimer_s n; n.Timer = m_toxicLevel1NextLevelTimer; n.status = 2; n.isvisible = 1; gServerLogic.p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); } { PKT_S2C_SetSafeZoneOnMap_s n; n.useRadius = m_toxicLevel1StopRadius; gServerLogic.p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); } { char msg[512]=""; sprintf(msg,"Next gas zone will be released in %.f seconds!", m_toxicLevel1NextLevelTimer); ChatSystemMessageAll(msg, "", 1); } m_spreadToxic = r3dGetTime()+m_toxicLevel1NextLevelTimer; } if(tcircle->useRadius <= m_toxicLevel1StopRadius && m_toxicLevel == 1) { m_startspreadingGas = 0; m_toxicLevel = 2; StartSpreadingToxic = false; { PKT_S2C_SendToxicTimer_s n; n.Timer = m_toxicLevel2NextLevelTimer; n.status = 2; n.isvisible = 1; p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); } { PKT_S2C_SetSafeZoneOnMap_s n; n.useRadius = m_toxicLevel2StopRadius; p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); } { char msg[512]=""; sprintf(msg,"Next gas zone will be released in %.f seconds!", m_toxicLevel2NextLevelTimer); ChatSystemMessageAll(msg, "", 1); } m_spreadToxic = r3dGetTime()+m_toxicLevel2NextLevelTimer; } if(tcircle->useRadius <= m_toxicLevel2StopRadius && gServerLogic.m_toxicLevel == 2) { m_startspreadingGas = 0; m_toxicLevel = 3; StartSpreadingToxic = false; { PKT_S2C_SendToxicTimer_s n; n.Timer = m_toxicLevel3NextLevelTimer; n.status = 2; n.isvisible = 1; p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); } { PKT_S2C_SetSafeZoneOnMap_s n; n.useRadius = m_toxicLevel3StopRadius; p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); } { char msg[512]=""; sprintf(msg,"Next gas zone will be released in %.f seconds!", m_toxicLevel3NextLevelTimer); ChatSystemMessageAll(msg, "", 1); } m_spreadToxic = r3dGetTime()+m_toxicLevel3NextLevelTimer; } if(tcircle->useRadius <= m_toxicLevel3StopRadius && gServerLogic.m_toxicLevel == 3) { m_startspreadingGas = 0; m_toxicLevel = 4; StartSpreadingToxic = false; { PKT_S2C_SendToxicTimer_s n; n.Timer = m_toxicLevel4NextLevelTimer; n.status = 2; n.isvisible = 1; p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); } { PKT_S2C_SetSafeZoneOnMap_s n; n.useRadius = m_toxicLevel4StopRadius; p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); } { char msg[512]=""; sprintf(msg,"Next gas zone will be released in %.f seconds!", m_toxicLevel4NextLevelTimer); ChatSystemMessageAll(msg, "", 1); } m_spreadToxic = r3dGetTime()+m_toxicLevel4NextLevelTimer; } if(tcircle->useRadius <= m_toxicLevel4StopRadius && gServerLogic.m_toxicLevel == 4) { m_startspreadingGas = 0; m_toxicLevel = 5; StartSpreadingToxic = false; { PKT_S2C_SendToxicTimer_s n; n.Timer = m_toxicLevel5NextLevelTimer; n.status = 2; n.isvisible = 1; p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); } { PKT_S2C_SetSafeZoneOnMap_s n; n.useRadius = m_toxicLevel5StopRadius; p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); } { char msg[512]=""; sprintf(msg,"Next gas zone will be released in %.f seconds!", m_toxicLevel5NextLevelTimer); ChatSystemMessageAll(msg, "", 1); } m_spreadToxic = r3dGetTime()+m_toxicLevel5NextLevelTimer; } if(tcircle->useRadius <= m_toxicLevel5StopRadius && gServerLogic.m_toxicLevel == 5) { m_startspreadingGas = 0; // m_toxicLevel = 5; StartSpreadingToxic = false; } /////////////////////////////////TOXIC LOGIC END////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(StartSpreadingToxic) { if(m_toxicLevel == 0) { tcircle->useRadius -= m_toxicLevel0DecreaseRadius; } if(m_toxicLevel == 1) { tcircle->useRadius -= m_toxicLevel1DecreaseRadius; } if(m_toxicLevel == 2) { tcircle->useRadius -= m_toxicLevel2DecreaseRadius; } if(m_toxicLevel == 3) { tcircle->useRadius -= m_toxicLevel3DecreaseRadius; } if(m_toxicLevel == 4) { tcircle->useRadius -= m_toxicLevel4DecreaseRadius; } if(m_toxicLevel == 5) { tcircle->useRadius -= m_toxicLevel5DecreaseRadius; } //tcircle->UpdateToxicZone(peerId_, tcircle->useRadius); PKT_S2C_SetToxicZoneRadius_s n; n.useRadius = tcircle->useRadius; n.Index = index; p2pBroadcastToActive(tcircle, &n, sizeof(n)); } } } return; } GO TO: void ServerGameLogic::cleanPlayerGroupInvites(obj_ServerPlayer* plr) Add: void ServerGameLogic::LoadBattleRoyaleServerConfigs() { MinimumConnectedPlayers = 0; StartCountDownTimer = 0.0f; m_restartFinishedGameTimer = 0.0f; EnoughConnectedPlayersToStartBRFaster1 = 0; EnoughConnectedPlayersToStartBRFaster2 = 0; CountdownTime1 = 0.0f; CountdownTime2 = 0.0f; RewardID = 0; RewardMoneyMinimum = 0; RewardMoneyMaximum = 0; SpawnToxicZoneTimer = 0.0f; SpawnToxicZoneRadius = 0.0f; m_toxicLevel0Damage = 0.0f; m_toxicLevel1Damage = 0.0f; m_toxicLevel2Damage = 0.0f; m_toxicLevel3Damage = 0.0f; m_toxicLevel4Damage = 0.0f; m_toxicLevel5Damage = 0.0f; m_toxicLevel0DecreaseRadius = 0.0f; m_toxicLevel1DecreaseRadius = 0.0f; m_toxicLevel2DecreaseRadius = 0.0f; m_toxicLevel3DecreaseRadius = 0.0f; m_toxicLevel4DecreaseRadius = 0.0f; m_toxicLevel5DecreaseRadius = 0.0f; m_toxicLevel0StopRadius = 0; m_toxicLevel1StopRadius = 0; m_toxicLevel2StopRadius = 0; m_toxicLevel3StopRadius = 0; m_toxicLevel4StopRadius = 0; m_toxicLevel5StopRadius = 0; m_toxicLevel0NextLevelTimer = 0.0f; m_toxicLevel1NextLevelTimer = 0.0f; m_toxicLevel2NextLevelTimer = 0.0f; m_toxicLevel3NextLevelTimer = 0.0f; m_toxicLevel4NextLevelTimer = 0.0f; m_toxicLevel5NextLevelTimer = 0.0f; m_SpawnAirdropTimeMinimum = 0.0f; m_SpawnAirdropTimeMaximum = 0.0f; const char* xmlPath = "Data\\ServerConfigs\\BattleRoyaleServerConfigs.xml"; r3dFile* file = r3d_open(xmlPath, "rb"); if (!file) { r3dOutToLog("Failed to open Battle Royale Server Configs file: %s\n", xmlPath); return; } char* buffer = game_new char[file->size + 1]; fread(buffer, file->size, 1, file); buffer[file->size] = 0; pugi::xml_document xmlDoc; pugi::xml_parse_result parseResult = xmlDoc.load_buffer_inplace(buffer, file->size); fclose(file); if (!parseResult) r3dError("Failed to parse Battle Royale Server Configs XML file, error: %s", parseResult.description()); pugi::xml_node configs = xmlDoc.child("configs"); pugi::xml_node players = configs.child("MinPlayers"); pugi::xml_node lobby = configs.child("startCountDown"); pugi::xml_node faster1 = configs.child("ForwardStartCountdown1"); pugi::xml_node faster2 = configs.child("ForwardStartCountdown2"); pugi::xml_node preparetoxiczone = configs.child("PrepareToxicZone"); pugi::xml_node spawntoxiczone = configs.child("SpawnToxicZone"); pugi::xml_node airdrop = configs.child("Airdrop"); pugi::xml_node m_toxicLevel0 = configs.child("m_toxicLevel0"); pugi::xml_node m_toxicLevel1 = configs.child("m_toxicLevel1"); pugi::xml_node m_toxicLevel2 = configs.child("m_toxicLevel2"); pugi::xml_node m_toxicLevel3 = configs.child("m_toxicLevel3"); pugi::xml_node m_toxicLevel4 = configs.child("m_toxicLevel4"); pugi::xml_node m_toxicLevel5 = configs.child("m_toxicLevel5"); pugi::xml_node restart = configs.child("restart"); pugi::xml_node winnerReward = configs.child("winnerReward"); MinimumConnectedPlayers = players.attribute("players").as_int(); StartCountDownTimer = lobby.attribute("countdowntime").as_float(); m_restartFinishedGameTimer = restart.attribute("time").as_float(); EnoughConnectedPlayersToStartBRFaster1 = faster1.attribute("players").as_int(); EnoughConnectedPlayersToStartBRFaster2 = faster2.attribute("players").as_int(); CountdownTime1 = faster1.attribute("countdowntime").as_float(); CountdownTime2 = faster2.attribute("countdowntime").as_float(); RewardID = winnerReward.attribute("ID").as_int(); RewardMoneyMinimum = winnerReward.attribute("RandomMoneyMinimum").as_int(); RewardMoneyMaximum = winnerReward.attribute("RandomMoneyMaximum").as_int(); // toxic zone settings SpawnToxicZoneTimer = spawntoxiczone.attribute("spawntimer").as_float(); SpawnToxicZoneRadius = spawntoxiczone.attribute("spawnradius").as_float(); m_toxicLevel0Damage = m_toxicLevel0.attribute("damage").as_float(); m_toxicLevel1Damage = m_toxicLevel1.attribute("damage").as_float(); m_toxicLevel2Damage = m_toxicLevel2.attribute("damage").as_float(); m_toxicLevel3Damage = m_toxicLevel3.attribute("damage").as_float(); m_toxicLevel4Damage = m_toxicLevel4.attribute("damage").as_float(); m_toxicLevel5Damage = m_toxicLevel5.attribute("damage").as_float(); m_toxicLevel0DecreaseRadius = m_toxicLevel0.attribute("decreaseradius").as_float(); m_toxicLevel1DecreaseRadius = m_toxicLevel1.attribute("decreaseradius").as_float(); m_toxicLevel2DecreaseRadius = m_toxicLevel2.attribute("decreaseradius").as_float(); m_toxicLevel3DecreaseRadius = m_toxicLevel3.attribute("decreaseradius").as_float(); m_toxicLevel4DecreaseRadius = m_toxicLevel4.attribute("decreaseradius").as_float(); m_toxicLevel5DecreaseRadius = m_toxicLevel5.attribute("decreaseradius").as_float(); m_toxicLevel0StopRadius = m_toxicLevel0.attribute("stopradius").as_float(); m_toxicLevel1StopRadius = m_toxicLevel1.attribute("stopradius").as_float(); m_toxicLevel2StopRadius = m_toxicLevel2.attribute("stopradius").as_float(); m_toxicLevel3StopRadius = m_toxicLevel3.attribute("stopradius").as_float(); m_toxicLevel4StopRadius = m_toxicLevel4.attribute("stopradius").as_float(); m_toxicLevel5StopRadius = m_toxicLevel5.attribute("stopradius").as_float(); m_toxicLevel0NextLevelTimer = m_toxicLevel0.attribute("nextleveltimer").as_float(); m_toxicLevel1NextLevelTimer = m_toxicLevel1.attribute("nextleveltimer").as_float(); m_toxicLevel2NextLevelTimer = m_toxicLevel2.attribute("nextleveltimer").as_float(); m_toxicLevel3NextLevelTimer = m_toxicLevel3.attribute("nextleveltimer").as_float(); m_toxicLevel4NextLevelTimer = m_toxicLevel4.attribute("nextleveltimer").as_float(); m_toxicLevel5NextLevelTimer = m_toxicLevel5.attribute("nextleveltimer").as_float(); // Airdrop Settings m_SpawnAirdropTimeMinimum = airdrop.attribute("SpawnTimeMinimum").as_float(); m_SpawnAirdropTimeMaximum = airdrop.attribute("SpawnTimeMaximum").as_float(); delete [] buffer; r3dOutToLog("Battle Royale Server Configs has been loaded with: %d minimum of players.\n", MinimumConnectedPlayers); } AND ADD: void ServerGameLogic::GiveBattleRoyaleLobbyLoadout(obj_ServerPlayer* plr) { battleRoyaleLobbyItemsCount = 0; const char* xmlPath = "Data\\ServerConfigs\\BattleRoyaleLobbyLoadout.xml"; r3dFile* file = r3d_open(xmlPath, "rb"); if (!file) { r3dOutToLog("Failed to open Battle Royale Lobby Loadout configuration file: %s\n", xmlPath); return; } char* buffer = game_new char[file->size + 1]; fread(buffer, file->size, 1, file); buffer[file->size] = 0; pugi::xml_document xmlDoc; pugi::xml_parse_result parseResult = xmlDoc.load_buffer_inplace(buffer, file->size); fclose(file); if (!parseResult) r3dError("Failed to parse Battle Royale Lobby Loadout XML file, error: %s", parseResult.description()); pugi::xml_node Configs = xmlDoc.child("Configs"); char LoadLoadout[128]; sprintf(LoadLoadout, "loadout%.i", (int)u_GetRandom(1, Configs.attribute("Loadouts").as_float())); pugi::xml_node loadout = Configs.child(LoadLoadout); pugi::xml_node item = loadout.child("item"); battleRoyaleLobbyItemsCount = -1; while (item) { wiInventoryItem tempItem; tempItem.InventoryID = 0; tempItem.itemID = item.attribute("id").as_uint(); tempItem.quantity = item.attribute("qty").as_int(); battleRoyaleLobbyItems[++battleRoyaleLobbyItemsCount] = tempItem; item = item.next_sibling(); } delete [] buffer; r3dOutToLog("Battle Royale Lobby Loadout configuration has been loaded with: %d items.\n", battleRoyaleLobbyItemsCount+1); int useIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < battleRoyaleLobbyItemsCount+1; ++i) { wiInventoryItem tempItem; tempItem.InventoryID = useIndex+1; tempItem.itemID = battleRoyaleLobbyItems[i].itemID; tempItem.quantity = battleRoyaleLobbyItems[i].quantity; plr->BackpackAddItem(tempItem); } } GO TO: int devEventBackpackId; ADD: wiInventoryItem battleRoyaleLobbyItems[72]; int battleRoyaleLobbyItemsCount; // Battle Royale Configs int MinimumConnectedPlayers; float StartCountDownTimer; float m_restartFinishedGameTimer; // used for lobby system int EnoughConnectedPlayersToStartBRFaster1; int EnoughConnectedPlayersToStartBRFaster2; float CountdownTime1; float CountdownTime2; // winner reward ID int RewardID; int RewardMoneyMinimum; int RewardMoneyMaximum; // Airdrop Settings float m_SpawnAirdropTimeMinimum; float m_SpawnAirdropTimeMaximum; public: // Toxic Zone Settings float SpawnToxicZoneTimer; float SpawnToxicZoneRadius; float m_toxicLevel0Damage; float m_toxicLevel1Damage; float m_toxicLevel2Damage; float m_toxicLevel3Damage; float m_toxicLevel4Damage; float m_toxicLevel5Damage; float m_toxicLevel0DecreaseRadius; float m_toxicLevel1DecreaseRadius; float m_toxicLevel2DecreaseRadius; float m_toxicLevel3DecreaseRadius; float m_toxicLevel4DecreaseRadius; float m_toxicLevel5DecreaseRadius; float m_toxicLevel0StopRadius; float m_toxicLevel1StopRadius; float m_toxicLevel2StopRadius; float m_toxicLevel3StopRadius; float m_toxicLevel4StopRadius; float m_toxicLevel5StopRadius; float m_toxicLevel0NextLevelTimer; float m_toxicLevel1NextLevelTimer; float m_toxicLevel2NextLevelTimer; float m_toxicLevel3NextLevelTimer; float m_toxicLevel4NextLevelTimer; float m_toxicLevel5NextLevelTimer; // Battle royale Configs void LoadBattleRoyaleServerConfigs(); GO TO: void DisconnectCheatPeer(DWORD peerId, const char* message); ADD: void DisconnectBRGamePeer(DWORD peerId); AND THE FUNCTION: void CSupervisorGameServer::DisconnectBRGamePeer(DWORD peerId) { r3dOutToLog("Battle Royale Match ended at peer %d\n", peerId); net_->DisconnectPeer(peerId); // fire up disconnect event manually, enet might skip if if other peer disconnect as well OnNetPeerDisconnected(peerId); } DONT FORGET TO DECLARE THAT BOTH THINGS HERE: // USED FOR BATTLE ROYALE BYTE isGameGoingToStart; bool GameHasbeenStarted; AND IN: GBGameInfo() { ADD: // Battle Royale isGameGoingToStart = 0; GameHasbeenStarted = false; IF SOMEONE WANTS THAT BOTH FUNCTIONS FOR THE CHAT: void ServerGameLogic::ChatSystemMessageAll(const char* msg, const char* tag, int msgChannel, int userflag, int isServerMessage) { r3d_assert(msg); PKT_C2C_ChatSystemMessage_s n; n.userFlag = userflag; n.msgChannel = msgChannel; n.isServerMessage = isServerMessage; r3dscpy(n.msg, msg); r3dscpy(n.gamertag, tag); p2pBroadcastToAll(&n, sizeof(n), true); } void ServerGameLogic::ChatSystemMessagePeer(const obj_ServerPlayer* plr, const char* msg, const char* tag, int msgChannel, int userflag, int isServerMessage) { r3d_assert(plr); r3d_assert(msg); PKT_C2C_ChatSystemMessage_s n; n.FromID = toP2pNetId(plr->GetNetworkID()); n.userFlag = userflag; n.msgChannel = msgChannel; n.isServerMessage = isServerMessage; r3dscpy(n.msg, msg); r3dscpy(n.gamertag, tag); p2pSendToPeer(plr->peerId_, plr, &n, sizeof(n), 1); } void ServerGameLogic::GetStartPositionBattleRoyale(obj_ServerPlayer* plr) { float posX, posY, posZ; BasePlayerSpawnPoint* curSpawn; // Get all spawnpoints int numSpawns = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gCPMgr.numControlPoints_; i++) { curSpawn = gCPMgr.controlPoints_[i]; for (int j = 0; j < curSpawn->m_NumSpawnPoints; j++) { numSpawns++; } } for (int i = 0; i < gCPMgr.numControlPoints_; i++) { if(gCPMgr.controlPoints_[i]->spawnType_ == 1) curSpawn = gCPMgr.controlPoints_[i]; int j = rand() % curSpawn->m_NumSpawnPoints; posX = curSpawn->m_SpawnPoints[j].pos.x; //posY = 400.0f; Also we disabled spawn in the air for parachute! posY = curSpawn->m_SpawnPoints[j].pos.y; posZ = curSpawn->m_SpawnPoints[j].pos.z; admin_TeleportPlayer(plr, posX, posY, posZ); break; } return; } NOW MASTERSERVER SHIT: GO TO: case SBPKT_G2M_CloseGame: ADD: case SBPKT_G2M_ShutdownBRGame: DisconnectBRGamePeer(peerId); break; GO TO: void MasterServerLogic::AddPlayer(int playerIdx, DWORD CustomerID, const wiCharDataFull* loadout) Add: void MasterServerLogic::CloseBRMatch() { SBPKT_G2M_ShutdownBRGame_s n(gameId_); net_->SendToHost(&n, sizeof(n), true); return; } DECLARE IT, GO TO: SBPKT_G2M_CloseGame, // close session ADD: SBPKT_G2M_ShutdownBRGame, // close session GO TO: struct SBPKT_G2M_CloseGame_s : public r3dNetPacketMixin ADD: struct SBPKT_G2M_ShutdownBRGame_s : public r3dNetPacketMixin { DEFINE_GAME_RELAYING_PACKET(SBPKT_G2M_ShutdownBRGame_s) }; NOW THE CLIENT: Spoiler: GO TO: float obj_PlayerSpawnPoint::DrawPropertyEditor(float scrx, float scry, float scrw, float scrh, const AClass* startClass, const GameObjects& selected) { FIND: if( !names.size() ) { and change it to: if( !names.size() ) { names.push_back( "LOBBY (Used for Battle Royale)" ); names.push_back( "NEUTRAL" ); } GO TO: static bool SortGamesByModeDec(const GBPKT_M2C_GameData_s& g1, const GBPKT_M2C_GameData_s& g2) { ADD: // battle royale sort if game started or not static bool SortGamesByGameStatus(const GBPKT_M2C_GameData_s& g1, const GBPKT_M2C_GameData_s& g2) { return g1.info.GameHasbeenStarted==g2.info.GameHasbeenStarted; } GO TO: void ClientGameLogic::Reset() ADD: // Battle Royale Stuff // isGameStarted = 0; ToxicTimer = 0.0f; isToxicVisible = 0; ToxicZoneStatus = 0; //////////////////////// GO TO: IMPL_PACKET_FUNC(ClientGameLogic, PKT_S2C_PlayerNameJoined) ADD ONLY IF YOU NEED THAT AND ITS NOT THE BEST ACTUALLY!: //for battle royale if(m_gameInfo.isBattleRoyale()) { obj_Player* plr = gClientLogic().localPlayer_; int Players = 0; for(int i=0; iBRMaxPlayers-Players; char text[512]; if(waitingForPlayers > 0) { sprintf(text,"%s joined the Game! [%i/%i]", n.gamertag, Players, plr->BRMaxPlayers-Players); } else { sprintf(text,"%s joined the Game! [%i/%i]", n.gamertag, Players, Players); } hudMain->showGameMessage(text); } THAT COULD HELP YOU: int isvisible = gClientLogic().isToxicVisible; if(isBattleRoyale && gClientLogic().ToxicZoneStatus > 0) { float Time = gClientLogic().ToxicTimer - r3dGetTime(); char toxicold[128]; char toxic[128]; char safezone[128]; if(gClientLogic().ToxicZoneStatus == 1) { if(Time >= 60) { float Minutes = Time / gClientLogic().ToxicTimer; int Seconds = (int)Time % (int)gClientLogic().ToxicTimer; if(Seconds < 10) { sprintf(toxic, "Preparing Safe Zone in %.f:0%i", Minutes, Seconds); sprintf(toxicold, toxic); } else { sprintf(toxic, "Preparing Safe Zone in %.f:%i", Minutes, Seconds); sprintf(toxicold, toxic); } } else { sprintf(toxic, "Preparing Safe Zone in %.f", Time); sprintf(toxicold, toxic); } } if(gClientLogic().ToxicZoneStatus == 2) { //Play Sound Effect for Releasing Gas Zone if(Time <= 5) SoundSys.PlayAndForget(SoundSys.GetEventIDByPath("Sounds/WarZ/BR_Sounds/alarm"), gClientLogic().localPlayer_->GetPosition()); if(Time >= 60 && Time < 120) { float Minutes = Time / 60; int Seconds = (int)Time % 60; if(Seconds < 10) { sprintf(toxic, "Gas Advance in %.f:0%i", Minutes, Seconds); sprintf(toxicold, toxic); } else { sprintf(toxic, "Gas Advance in %.f:%i", Minutes, Seconds); sprintf(toxicold, toxic); } } else if(Time >= 120) { float Minutes = Time / 120; int Seconds = (int)Time % 120; if(Seconds < 10) { sprintf(toxic, "Gas Advance in %.f:0%i", Minutes, Seconds); sprintf(toxicold, toxic); } else { sprintf(toxic, "Gas Advance in %.f:%i", Minutes, Seconds); sprintf(toxicold, toxic); } } else { sprintf(toxic, "Gas Advance in %.f", Time); sprintf(toxicold, toxic); } } if(gClientLogic().ToxicZoneStatus == 3) { sprintf(toxic, "Gas is spreading!"); sprintf(toxicold, toxic); } if(toxicold != toxic) hudMain->setToxicText(toxic, isvisible?1:0); //Tobi Safezone stats for br mode if(!ShowToxicZoneEffect) sprintf(safezone, "SAFEZONE RADIUS: %.f | DISTANCE TO SAFEZONE: IN SAFEZONE", ToxicRadius); else sprintf(safezone, "SAFEZONE RADIUS: %.f | DISTANCE TO SAFEZONE: %.f meters", ToxicRadius, m_ToxicDistanceToPlayer); //sprintf(safezone, "SAFEZONE RADIUS: %.f | DISTANCE TO SAFEZONE: %.f meters", ToxicRadius, m_ToxicDistanceToPlayer); hudMain->setBRStats(safezone, gClientLogic().ToxicZoneStatus>1); } else { if(isvisible == 1) { hudMain->setToxicText("", false); hudMain->setBRStats("", false); } } PACKAGES: IMPL_PACKET_FUNC(ClientGameLogic, PKT_S2C_SendExitMessage) { hudMain->showYouSurvived(n.Kills, n.GameDollars); } IMPL_PACKET_FUNC(ClientGameLogic, PKT_S2C_SendToxicTimer) { ToxicTimer = r3dGetTime() + n.Timer; ToxicZoneStatus = n.status; isToxicVisible = n.isvisible; } IMPL_PACKET_FUNC(ClientGameLogic, PKT_S2C_SetToxicZoneRadius) { obj_Player* plr = gClientLogic().localPlayer_; plr->ToxicRadius = n.useRadius; } IMPL_PACKET_FUNC(ClientGameLogic, PKT_S2C_SetSafeZoneOnMap) { obj_Player* plr = gClientLogic().localPlayer_; hudPause->setSafeZoneOnMap(n.useRadius); } IMPL_PACKET_FUNC(ClientGameLogic, PKT_S2C_CreateToxicZone) { //r3dOutToLog("obj_DroppedItem %d %d\n", n.spawnID, n.Item.itemID); r3d_assert(GameWorld().GetNetworkObject(n.spawnID) == NULL); obj_Player* plr = gClientLogic().localPlayer_; obj_ToxicCircle* obj = (obj_ToxicCircle*)srv_CreateGameObject("obj_ToxicCircle", "obj_ToxicCircle", n.pos); obj->SetNetworkID(n.spawnID); plr->ToxicRadius = n.radius; obj->OnCreate(); plr->m_ToxicNetID = obj->GetNetworkID(); } IMPL_PACKET_FUNC(ClientGameLogic, PKT_S2C_ResetPlayerLoadoutBR) { GameObject* targetObj = GameWorld().GetNetworkObject(n.PlayerID); if(!targetObj) return; obj_Player* targetPlr = (obj_Player*)targetObj; if (!targetPlr) return; targetPlr->ResetLoadoutBR(); } IMPL_PACKET_FUNC(ClientGameLogic, PKT_S2C_UpdateBRStats) { playerNames[n.playerIdx].Alive = n.alive; } DONT FORGET TO DECLARE: bool isBattleRoyale; //gamehardcore static const int BRMaxPlayers=5;//BattleRoyale float ToxicRadius; bool ShowToxicZoneEffect; float m_ToxicDistanceToPlayer; GO TO: void obj_PlayerSpawnPoint::DoDrawComposite( const r3dCamera& Cam ) ADD: if(spawnType_ == SPAWN_LOBBY) clr = r3dColor(0, 0, 255); CHANGE RIGHT UNDER: D3DXVec3TransformNormal(&tempV, &tempV2, &tempM); if(spawnType_ == SPAWN_LOBBY) r3dDrawCircle3D(m_SpawnPoints[i].pos, 2.0f, Cam, 0.4f, ((i==m_SelectedSpawnPoint&&g_Manipulator3d.PickedObject() == this)?r3dColor24::red:r3dColor24::blue)); else r3dDrawCircle3D(m_SpawnPoints[i].pos, 2.0f, Cam, 0.4f, ((i==m_SelectedSpawnPoint&&g_Manipulator3d.PickedObject() == this)?r3dColor24::red:r3dColor24::grey)); ADD SERVER CONFIG FILES: BattleRoyaleAirdropLoadout: Spoiler: BattleRoyaleLobbyLoadout: Spoiler: BattleRoyaleServerConfigs: Spoiler:

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2561


กันโปรด้วยProcessของโปรแกรมเอาไปประยุคใช้ได้ ////////////////// ค้นหา int win::ProcessSuspended() ------------------------ เพิ่มบนสุด #include #include ------------------------- มองหา int win::ProcessSuspended() ------------------------------------ แก้ไขตามนี้ int win::ProcessSuspended() { if(!bSuspended) return FALSE; MSG msg; while(PeekMessage(&msg, NULL,0,0,PM_NOREMOVE)) { if(!GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) return 1; TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } return TRUE; } ----------------------------------- ค้นหา void GetProcId(char* ProcName) ---------------------------------- แก้ไขตามนี้ void GetProcId(char* ProcName) { PROCESSENTRY32 pe32; HANDLE hSnapshot = NULL; pe32.dwSize = sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 ); hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 ); if( Process32First( hSnapshot, &pe32 ) ) { do{ if( strcmp( pe32.szExeFile, ProcName ) == 0 ) { Sleep(5000); //ปรับเวลาหลุดของตัวเกมส์ได้ ExitProcess(0); } }while( Process32Next( hSnapshot, &pe32 ) ); } if( hSnapshot != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) CloseHandle( hSnapshot ); ProcId = pe32.th32ProcessID; } void ClasseCheckPross() { // Check the prosess name for me in this example is cheatengine. // You can add a lot of name for the inject dll - cheat emulator ect.... GetProcId("cheatengine-x86_64.exe"); //เพิ่มProcess ของโปรแกรมโกงเกมส์ได้ } ---------------------------------- ค้นหา game::PreInit(); --------------------- วาง ClasseCheckPross(); ****************************** บิ้วจบปิ้ง ‎Tanaphong Ket-in‎ CD.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2561

วันเสาร์ที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2561

คุณพบปัญหาซอสบัคเลือดน้อยไม่มืดใช่มั้ย DLP นำเสนอโค๊ดกาก

คุณพบปัญหาซอสบัคเลือดน้อยไม่มืดใช่มั้ย DLP นำเสนอโค๊ดกาก ----------------------------------------------------------------- ค้นหา warz.sln ----------------------------------------------------------------- bloodLevel = 100.0f - ((CurLoadout.Health / 25.0f)*100.0f); // show blood effect when health is between 0 and 25 ----------------------------------------------------------------- วางด้านล่าง ด้วยโค๊ดนี้ ----------------------------------------------------------------- extern int g_CCBlackWhite; extern float g_fCCBlackWhitePwr; g_CCBlackWhite = 1; g_fCCBlackWhitePwr = 100.0f - ((CurLoadout.Health / 25.0f)*100.0f); ----------------------------------------------------------------- จบ อย่าขายล่ะ เจอกลุ่มไหน เด้งกลุ่มนี้นะบอกก่อน

ปรับแอร์ดรอป ลงถึงพื้นไวๆ

ปรับแอร์ดรอป ลงถึงพื้นไวๆ ก็นี่เลย หาคำนี้ด้านล่าง ฝัง warz_server if (m_IsOnTerrain == false && m_Item.itemID == 'ARDR') { if(m_FirstTime == 1) AirDropPos.y-=0.01f; //speed of decent of plane.. else AirDropPos.y-=0.1f; //speed of decent of container.. สังเกตุ -=0.1f; มั้ย ปรับเยอะๆตามใจชอบเลย แนะนำ 2.0 พอ

วันอังคารที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2560


พรีเมี่ยมยิงกันไม่ตาย ‪#‎ค้นหา‬ // player's in the same group cannot damage each other (except for grenades) if(targetPlr->groupID!= 0 && IsServerPlayer(fromObj) && IsServerPlayer(fromObj)->groupID==targetPlr->groupID && damageSource!=storecat_GRENADE && fromObj!=targetPlr // if you are in group and damage is coming from player itself (for example falling damage) then ignore group ) return false; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‪#‎เพิ่มคำสั่งพรีเมี่ยมยิงไม่ตาย‬ ///พรีเมี่ยมยิงกันไม่ตาย if(fromObj->Class->Name == "obj_Zombie") { } else { if(targetPlr->loadout_->GameMapId == GBGameInfo::MAPID_WZ_Colorado_VIP) return false; } /////